The Dalliance is a fast, low-profile boat used by the Consortium as part of its smuggling operation. Remus Carey observes Marc Renouf on it late one night in book 1, Dead in the Water, but is is also later used by Marie Budzinski, so it appears to be a shared resource. It is kept at Beaucette Marina.
Simon Langlois finds an image of the Dalliance in the BBC archive. As described in book 2, Blowfish:
He clicked on the link for the picture, and a few seconds later a long black craft with a pointed snout unrolled from the top of the screen. Its shallow profile kept it low and made its length hard to judge. It looked like it ought to be fast, but the proportions were wrong for a craft that wasn’t a racing boat. He leaned towards the screen and could just make out a shape at the front, which was likely the person steering it. Average height, average build, half of them visible above the side of the boat… turn it around and divide it out and that would put the craft at twelve feet plus – the length at which it would have to be logged with harbour control. It would need a local license.
By Remus Carey’s own estimations, it can achieve a top speed somewhere between 30 and 40 knots.
Dalliance in brief
The Dalliance is a fast, sleek boat used by the Consortium for making collections and deliveries in the waters around Guernsey. When Remus Carey first spots it, he observes that it’s very much like a ‘rum runner’ — a boat that would have been used by rum smugglers for being fast enough to outrun the coastguard.
Useful to know...
Although The Dalliance never had any explicit cover, it acted as though it was a lobster boat by heading out to check the pots sunk around Guernsey. This is what first raised Remus Carey’s suspicions, as it didn’t have the necessary salt water tanks to hold the animals once they had been retrieved.

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See also...
Guernsey-based legal practice
Sensationalist local newspaper
Remus Carey's boat, latterly Ollie's
Traditional spiced apple cake recipe
Ancient Guernsey legal objection