George Dixon

Although he’s never been out of work, George Dixon has failed to land any large roles that would have made him a household name. To date, his most successful audition was the one he attended for a part in The Fleet, the BBC’s regional radio soap. On that occasion, he got the job, and was hired by Rosalynd Holdbrook for the lead role.

At the start of book 1, Dead in the Water, he’s been on the island – and in the role – for eight years.

A decidedly prickly and pompous character, he has a tendency to rub people up the wrong way through being arrogant and thinking himself superior to them. This did nothing to endear himself to the other actors on the cast of The Fleet or, indeed, the management. His relationship with Rosalynd Holdbrook became so poor that it induced her to take early retirement, simply so that she would not have to work with him any longer.

He has never been married and doesn’t have children. At the start of the first season, we learn that he was in a relationship with the late Richelle Ibbott. Indeed, at the time he is reporting her disappearance to Christine Le Page, just as Ollie Carey is finding her body on the beach at Marble Bay.

He grew up in Southampton and spent most of his adult life there.

The Sarnian Book 1: Dead in the Water

Read more about George Dixon

A body on a beach, an impossible alibi and an unstoppable race against time!

George Dixon is a fictional character who appears in The Sarnian, the explosive adventure series in which the discovery of a dead body on one of Guernsey's most secluded beaches blows the lid on a world of intrigue and deceit.

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