Rosalynd is the brains behind The Fleet. She developed the series ten years before the start of series one, but after eight years of working on the series she took early retirement and handed over the running of the show to Kira Spooner.
She was inspired to create the series by the fact that her father was a fisherman working out of St Sampson harbour. It’s for that reason that the boat in The Fleet, the MV John Gregg, also works out of St Sampson.
Although she won’t admit it herself, her retirement was brought on by a clash of personalities with George Dixon. Although she no longer works at the BBC every day she maintains contact with the organisation as she still pops in to lead training sessions, and works on a freelance basis at home on adverts for commercial broadcasters.
She is 55 years old at the start of book 1, Dead in the Water, and lives alone in a bungalow in the Vale parish, close to the coast and within view of the parish church around which much of her life has revolved. She has a daughter who lives on the mainland.
Profile of Rosalynd Holdbrook
Rosalynd created The Fleet and was its editor for the first eight years before she took early retirement.

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