Entries tagged 'alderney'

The following 10 entries have been tagged using the term alderney. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.

Third largest Channel Island

Channel Islands
A collection of islands off the Cherbourg Peninsular

Wombles author Liza Beresford dies
Children's author Liza Beresford moved to Alderney after developing the Wombles

Alderney’s evacuees return to their island
Alderney was evacuated during the Second World War and used as a prison island

Alderney is occupied by German forces
Alderney was the third Channel Island to be occupied.

Alderney was liberated at the end of the second world war
All of Alderney's residents had been sent away during the war. It was an entirely military island.

Alderney debated in the House of Commons
Alderney was an important element in Britain's coastal defences, but MPs were unsure about funding it.

Alderney arrest sparks a “riot”
Alderney police station was pelted with stones after officers arrested a suspected drink-driver.

Alderney gets its first full-time radio station
Alderney radio station Quay FM launched on a full-time community radio licence in 2015, having broadcast in summer and at Christmas since 2000.

Alderney elects its first president
Sydney Peck Herivel served as Alderney's president for over 21 years until 26 August 1970