Minchin is second in command of the forensics department at the States of Guernsey Police, where he works under Charlie Dubois. He had applied for Charlie’s job when it had first become vacant but missed out to Charlie. Fortunately this hasn’t caused tension between the two of them, and he has learned a lot from his boss over the 17 years they’ve worked together.
He’s slightly younger than Charlie and, as described in book 1, Dead in the Water, had ‘shorter hair and fewer lines on his sunburned face’.
Charlie trusts him implicitly and is happy to recommend that Minchin steps in to fill a gap whenever he’s been called away from the island or is busy on other matters.
Profile of Gregg Minchin
Deputy to Charlie Dubois in the police forensics department, where the two of them have worked together for the last 17 years.

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