Entries tagged 'sudoku'
The following 5 entries have been tagged using the term sudoku. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.
Solution: White Rock Sudoku
How did you get on? Check your completed grid against the solution to The Sarnian's White Rock sudoku puzzle here.
White Rock Sudoku
Test your little grey cells. See if you can fit the letters "White Rock" into our grid without any of them appearing more than once in each column, row or block of nine squares.
Channel Islands’ word search
How many of the Channel Islands' names can you find in our word search grid? We're not just talking about the better-known islands, too. There are some tiny ones to be found, too.
Solution: Rocquaine Sudoku
How did you get on? Check your completed grid against the solution to The Sarnian's Rocquaine sudoku puzzle here.
Rocquaine Sudoku
Test your (fort) grey matter with our Guernsey-specific sudoku. Rearrange the letters of the word ROCQUAINE into the grid without any duplicates.
Clicking an entry opens its full content, which may include details from events that happen in some of the stories. Beware that these details could constitute spoilers. For this reason, a short spoiler-free description has been added below each entry in the listing on this page.