Entries tagged 'religion'
The following 16 entries have been tagged using the term religion. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.
Release of Reverend Harry Samuel
The priest who was imprisoned for marrying an uncle and his niece was released after intervention from the Home Secretary.
Death of occupation resister Marie Ozanne
Marie Ozanne was a brave protestor during the German occupation of Guernsey, who write letters to the occupying forces and preached in St Peter Port despite their banning of the Salvation Army.
St Sampson was ordained a bishop
Guernsey's patron saint was ordained a bishop in 521, and founded a church during his brief stay on the island.
Guernsey’s first Methodist minister arrives
Jean de Quetteville was Guernsey's first Methodist minister and now has the title Apostle of the Channel Islands.
Birth of concrete poet Dom Sylvester Houedard
This Guernsey-born monk attained legendary status during his lifetime as a pioneer in the art of concrete poetry.
St Martin’s parish church consecrated
Consecrated in 1199, St Martin's is home to a carved figure of Mother Earth
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