Entries tagged 'politics'

The following 30 entries have been tagged using the term politics. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.

A Guernsey planning dispute headed to Europe
A dispute over a shed conversion had far wider implications for the British political system

Occupation president Ambrose Sherwill died
Sherwill had been the first president of the Controlling Committee

Guernsey and Jersey considered merging
By merging public many of their services the islands could save a lot of money

Philip de Saumarez was discharged as a Jurat
De Saumarez petitioned the queen to release him when his hearing started to fail.

Winston Churchill visited Guernsey with his wife
Winston Churchill was touring various naval installations around Britain

Guernsey’s Reform Law was enacted
The Reform Law set out in detail how Guernsey's political system would work.

Human remains were found on Lihou
The remains were the evidence of a very old murder.

Earl Grey was appointed Governor of Guernsey
Fort Grey in Rocquaine Bay is named after Earl Grey

Guernsey chose England over France
When King John lost Normandy, the Channel Islands had to side with either England or France.

Wartime diplomat Wilfred Gallienne born in Guernsey
Gallienne was on a Nazi hit-list of people to be detained after a successful invasion of Britain.