Entries tagged 'maritime'

The following 15 entries have been tagged using the term maritime. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.

Guernsey passengers are battered by storms
Passengers on the British Rail car ferry Earl Godwin were forced to spend a rough night anchored off St Peter Port

Radiant Med sinks with loss of life
The Radiant Med, a 3000-ton Liberian-registered cargo ship, sank when it struck rocks 15 miles off Guernsey

Hanois Lighthouse is cut off by the weather
The keepers on Hanois Lighthouse were cut off for more than a fortnight in January 1961.

MV Prosperity is wrecked at Perelle
MV Prosperity sank close to Lihou, off Guernsey, in January 1974 with the loss of 18 lives.

Guernsey Fisher makes its maiden voyage
Guernsey Fisher was a cargo ship serving the Channel Islands and the mainland