Entries tagged 'education'
The following 6 entries have been tagged using the term education. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.
Guille and Alles lease the Assembly Rooms
Guille and Alles leased the Assembly Rooms and used them to establish their library
Elizabeth College’s foundation stone was laid
When Elizabeth Collage was founded in 1563, its premises seemed – if anything – actually too large. Its roll of students was often less than the number of staff in the early days. Three and three-quarter centuries later, things were very different. It had outgrown its original site and was looking for somewhere larger. It […]
Guernsey Ladies’ College opened
Ladies' College was established along similar lines to Cheltenham Ladies' College on the mainland.
Elizabeth College is founded in St Peter Port
The school got going very slowly, and for almost 200 years had fewer pupils than staff.
Guernsey exchange student goes missing in Virginia
Geography exchange student Jonny Dorey went missing from campus in Richmond, Virginia.
Guernsey heads call for an end to the Eleven-plus
The controversial exam had long been used to stream students by ability as they entered secondary education.
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