Entries tagged 'art'
The following 8 entries have been tagged using the term art. Click the titles to read the full entry in each instance.
Naftel’s paintings go on display
Guernsey-born Naftel was a prolific painter who moved to London later in life.
The Guernsey Tapestry is completed
The ten panels of the Guernsey Tapestry depict the island's history over the last 1000 years.
Horticultural painter William Caparne was born
Caparne had been painting from an early age, and spent the latter half of his life living in a tram car in Guernsey
Renoir arrived on Guernsey to paint
The impressionist visited Guernsey to paint Moulin Huet
Victor Hugo statue is unveiled in Candie Gardens
The statue had originally been carved for display in Lisbon.
Guernsey poet and painter Denys Corbet was born
Denys Corbet was a poet, painter, land valuer, parish constable and clock repairer.
First publication of Victor Hugo’s Toilers of the Sea
Victor Hugo's maritime adventure novel was written in and set on Guernsey.
Birth of concrete poet Dom Sylvester Houedard
This Guernsey-born monk attained legendary status during his lifetime as a pioneer in the art of concrete poetry.
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