Guernsey quiz 2
Test your knowledge of Guernsey and its closest neighbours. If you get 10 or more, give yourself the weekend off. Click here for the answers.
- What appears on the back of any Guernsey penny produced after 1985?
- How many holes are there at La Grande Mare golf course? Nine or 18?
- How tall was the original Doyle Monument at Jerbourg Point, prior to its destruction in 1944? Around 50ft, 100ft or 150ft?
- By what name is St Marie de Castro church better known?
- When did ITV Channel Television launch? 1952, 1962 or 1972?
- After what kind of religious man is the hill named, on which you’d find a small cemetery on Herm?
- Which St Peter Port spot is an anagram of “needs cardigans”?
- Sark has a famous hole in a piece of rock, which was once used for hauling up supplies from boats below. What is it called? The door, the opening or the window?
- How many square Guernsey perches make up a Guernsey vergee? 40, 50 or 60?
- How many gates did St Peter Port have in its former town walls? Five, ten or fifteen?
- Which of Guernsey’s parishes includes both Herm and Jethou?
- What is the second cheapest property on the Guernsey Monopoly board? Castle Cornet, Elizabeth College or the Little Chapel?
- How tall is the tower that houses the lighthouse on Castle Breakwater? 12m, 18m or 24m?
- If you were sitting on the sand at Vazon Bay and looking directly out to sea, which direction would you be facing?
- Folklore has it that walking around the Fairy Ring a certain number of times while making a wish, makes the wish come true. How many circuits do you need to complete? One, three or 12?
- When did the States of Guernsey complete its acquisition of Aurigny? 2003, 2006 or 2009?
- At what age is the Bailiff expected to retire?
- How long is the track operated by the Alderney Railway? One, two or three miles?
- By which culinary name is Fort Grey better known?
- Which fruit is paomme in Guernesiais?
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