Matthieu Roche

Matthieu Roche is an agent handler who works for Interpol. He is tasked with discovering what happened to Remus Carey, after Carey disappeared from his boat, the Huffin’ Puffin, in the waters off the island of Sark. He works directly under Aurelie Paget at Interpol headquarters in Lyon.

Matthieu first appears without being named in book 1, Dead in the Water, where he takes part in the meeting of delegates from across Europe in room 16 at Interpol headquarters. He is first named in book 2, Blowfish, where he shares an office with Christine Le Page after she is sent to Lyon to help with the search for Remus.

He is a tall man, first encountered in the underground car park beneath Interpol headquarters, where he takes Christine’s car and parks it, after folding himself into the limited space in the driver’s seat.

He and Aurelie have worked together for so long that he can largely predict her reactions to any request or query. She, in turn, knows his passwords, so can access his computer accounts. On many occasions he acts as her deputy, although that role is not explicit.

He liaises with agents in field offices around Europe (but not beyond Europe), including Freidmann Holtzer, and has limited authority to direct operations. For those that have greater impact, he needs to refer back to Aurelie for sign-off.

The Sarnian Book 1: Dead in the Water

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A body on a beach, an impossible alibi and an unstoppable race against time!

Matthieu Roche is a fictional character who appears in The Sarnian, the explosive adventure series in which the discovery of a dead body on one of Guernsey's most secluded beaches blows the lid on a world of intrigue and deceit.

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