The Sarnian blog
A Wrinkle in the Skin by John Christopher
A Wrinkle in the Skin by John Christopher is a 1965 book about a man who walks from Guernsey to the mainland after the sea disappears in an earthquake.
Check out this picture of Fort George under construction
This photo from the early 1970s very clearly shows Fort George under construction, with St Peter Port beyond it. The fort that once occupied the site where the development was built was the site of a mutinous uprising.
Review: Life in Occupied Guernsey: the diaries of Ruth Ozanne 1940 – 1945
There’s something vaguely optimistic about reading Ruth Ozanne’s occupation diaries. Perhaps it’s because, with perfect hindsight, we know that, ultimately, everything was resolved for a large part of the population.
The Guernsey Quiz Book
The Guernsey Quiz Book is the perfect gift for any Guernsey know-it-all. With 1000 questions organised into 100 pot-luck quizzes, it’ll test even the greatest Guernsey aficionado to the culture, history and geography of the Bailiwick.
Treasure Hunt on Guernsey and Herm
Channel 4 gameshow Treasure Hunt came to Guernsey and Herm in 1984. It was one of the earliest episodes of the series, and someone has uploaded it in full to YouTube.
Stunning drone footage of Herm
As the nights draw in and the weather starts to turn grey, this video, which was shot above Herm, is just perfect…
Planning the Sarnian
There are two types of writers, variously known as ‘planners’ and ‘pantsers’. The former — the group into which I fall — are committed to planning the whole story from beginning to end before they start writing. The latter write by the seat of their pants, effectively making it up as they go along.
The Sarnian is now available on Kindle Unlimited
Members of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited programme can now download The Sarnian series for free.
Guernsey by drone
Isn’t this the perfect way to start a Wednesday morning? Here’s some beautiful footage of drones flying over Guernsey’s unspoiled beaches, starting with sunrise over St Peter Port. There are plenty of Sarnian locations to spot, including Castle Cornet, L’Ancresse and Fort Grey.
Castle Breakwater
If you’ve been to St Peter Port, you can’t have failed to spot Castle Breakwater, which runs beyond Castle Cornet to form one arm of the harbour. It’s a great place to wander along in the sun, and perch at the end to watch the boats in Little Russell. It’s also a popular spot for fishing.

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The Sarnian

A body on a beach, an impossible alibi and an unstoppable race against time!
Check out the first book in The Sarnian series, set on the Channel Island of Guernsey.