The Author
My name’s Nik Rawlinson, as you’ve probably already gathered. I was born in Guernsey, which you might not have spotted. I created and write The Sarnian series, usually in the same room as a cat (which was the model for Remus Carey’s cat Sampson), often from a stand-up desk attached to a walking machine (I find it helps my back.)
Sometimes I write big chunks of it from this balcony, which is a private bolt hole without an internet connection that helps me concentrate.
I’ve had a number of jobs over the years, all related to the media in some way or another. I’m currently a freelance writer, but in the past I’ve been a magazine editor and broadcaster for both the BBC and independent radio and TV.
The Set-up
The Sarnian is written on a variety of Macs (which is why they use them in The Sarnian office), including a Mac mini and MacBook Pro, each running the wonderful Scrivener, which makes planning and reorganising long form work like novels so much easier.
For the geeks, everything is backed up in multiple locations, including a Mac mini server, on-site NAS drives and off-site online storage. Ad-hoc backups and transfers between machines are done through Dropbox.
The Site
I coded this site by hand and spend far too much time tweaking it. It runs on WordPress. I’m available for commissions if you want me to work on a site for you.
The Sarnian

A body on a beach, an impossible alibi and an unstoppable race against time!
Check out the first book in The Sarnian series, set on the Channel Island of Guernsey.