Inspector on the States of Guernsey Police Force. At the start of book 1, Dead in the Water, he’s been on the force for fifteen years, and had been made an inspector three years before. He is married to Sophie and they have one daughter, a five-year-old called Cleo.
They live on the Route Militaire in the north of the island, but Renouf is financing the construction of a new house for them just off the common at L’Ancresse.
He’s large and a little overweight, with a slight belly overhanging his belt. In book 1, Dead in the Water, Remus Carey notes that,
Bichard is tall – six foot plus – but Renouf has an inch or two extra, and the broad-shouldered frame to carry it off. Bit of a belly, I noticed, although that was only obvious when he sat down.
When Ollie met with Renouf in the garden at Port Soif, he, too, only noticed the belly once he was sitting; it hadn’t been so obvious when they’d met on the beach at Marble Bay the day before.
Renouf’s ultimate boss is Miles Bichard and he works alongside Falla and Clarke.
His deputy has been dispatched to Jersey for a couple as a placement with the force on the neighbouring island while Christine Le Page, from Jersey, has been dispatched to Guernsey to work alongside Renouf. Although it becomes clearer as time goes on, he didn’t initially realise that what he considered to be free choice over the candidate who would take the placement, his hand had been somewhat forced by Bichard.
Christine is there because there is some suspicion that Renouf is involved in the Carteret operation and Bichard wants someone there on the inside to keep an eye on him.
Renouf is highly regarded on the island and considered by many to be a hero for ‘his gallant rescue of a family of four [from] a horror smash on the Val Des Terres’ (The Sarnian)
Profile of Marc Renouf
Inspector employed by the States Police force.

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